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How to schedule a Cronjob

schedule a Cronjob

In this tutorial, we will explain how to schedule a cron job for your web application from the CloudStick dashboard.

Basically, Cron is used to scheduling and run commands at a specific time. These scheduled commands or tasks are known as “Cron Jobs”. Cron is generally used for running scheduled backups, monitoring disk space, deleting files (for example log files) periodically which are no longer required, running system maintenance tasks and a lot more.

Here, we discuss the steps on how to schedule a cron job

Step 1: Go to the CloudStick dashboard

Select the server from the list

Step 2: Click on create Button

Step 3: Now fill up the details of the cronjob,

Step 4: Vendor binary is any command-line script that the package would like to pass along to a user and executes it in the environment. Select one from the list.

Step 5: Now, place the command to execute in the cron in field “command”

Step 6: Note that you can choose any one of the below

Step 7: All set and click on the “Create Cron job” button to save it and click on Rebuild. This will refresh the cron.

In any case of difficulty you may please contact our support, we are 24/7 available to assist you.

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