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Security – Our Topmost

Priority, Always

Security is a crucial and most essential aspect of CloudStick and we believe you should have the power to control your security. After comprehensive analysis of user requirements and satisfaction levels we have come up with an ideal recipe for the security controls and settings. The list of options for the security settings you get is much more than any existing cloud provider.

Country-Specific Blocking

With just a few clicks, customers can block
countries of their choice for the whole server access except The United States. Several cloud
providers charge customers for the bandwidth utilized. To reduce cost, country blocking can be very

Connection Limit Protection

Users can choose when an IP address should get
blocked by the server. For instance, a user can set when N number of failed requests hits the
server, an IP Address gets blocked. This feature is available for FTP and SSH login attempts,
enabling enhanced security

Easy Incoming and Outgoing Port Management

If a user wants to grant permission to a remote host, security threats should never be concern as CloudStick has multiple layers of defence built-in the application to effectively guard against all kinds of threats

Anti-Bruteforce Shield

This feature is not enabled on your servers by default. It prevents application layer attacks where attackers target application-layer processes. With CloudStick, anybody can turn on the Anti-Bruteforce shield, with just a single click. It is a game-changing functionality!

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