
Notable changes made to the CloudStick.

July 22, 2024

PHP List Issue



    • Fixed the php version listing after server installation.
July 18, 2024

CloudStick Manual server installation


    • Manual server installation on AWS, Google cloud or any other fixed
    • PHP version listing on create website page has been fixed.
July 17, 2024

Wildcard SSL Support!

New feature release

    • Wildcard SSL support is now available on CloudStick!
    • Only allowed to install Wildcard SSL certificate using DNS verification.
    • CloudFlare integration is mandatory for this.
July 16, 2024

SSH Vault!

New feature release

    • Allows to store multiple SSH keys in your CloudStick account
    • Easily to apply the key into any of your servers.
    • This new feature eliminates the hassle of copying and pasting keys every time you need to access your servers.
April 22, 2024

Custom Nginx Stack

Agent release

Changelog 1.1.40

  • Option to customize Nginx Stack
  • Option to restore an older version of the stack.
April 13, 2024

CloudStick 1.1.39

Agent release

  • Listing for email forwarders
  • option to delete email forwarders.
March 4, 2024

CloudFlare Integration

Backend release

  • Add DNS zone automatically on CloudFlare if zone does not exist in CloudFlare account when creating the website.
  • Add A records automatically if Cloudflare account is connected and selected during website creation.
  • Automatic, MX, DKIM, SPF and DMARC record setup.
  • SSL/TLS encryption tweaks through CloudStick dashboard.
  • CDN caching purge option.
Feb 15, 2024

CloudStick 1.1.35

Agent release

Changelog 1.1.35

  • Added logs for backups, price change for backup, backup timeout for large files.
  • Added DNS verification for SSL installation
  • Added Support for Ubuntu 22.04 currently in beta.
Nov 15, 2023

Clone webapp

Agent released

Changelog 1.1.33

  • Added php display error in php config file for debugging process.
Nov 15, 2023

Clone webapp

Agent released

Changelog 1.1.32

  • Testing realease.
Nov 15, 2023

Clone webapp

Agent released

Changelog 1.1.30

  • User was able to clone their web-applications on the same server or to different server.
  • There are two types of cloning available, they are: complete and custom.
  • Complete Clone: This option simply create a duplicate copy of User requested web-app
  • Custom Clone: Here User has the option to customize their web-app.
  • Clone Events are added, which send clone events to
  • During clone, all activities are stored in Activity logs.
Sep 11, 2023

Clone webapp

Agent released

Changelog 1.1.31

  • Fixed bug in wordpress manager and File manager.
June 21, 2023

Clone webapp

Agent released

Changelog 1.1.29

  • Daily check for updates in agent and update it.
  • Clone to same server feature released in this agent version.
May 10, 2023

Agent released


Changelog 1.1.28 March 2023: Fixes and Improvements

  • Auto reconnect trigger the server to reconnect to the desired services when those services went down. Which reduces the manual restart of agent in all servers.
March 25, 2023

Fixed wordpress manager bug




Changelog 01.1.27 March 2023: Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed wordpress manager bug for change to wordpress.
March 21, 2023

Support System


  • support system was released in Now user is able to raise tickets by using our support system.
March 20, 2023

Cloudstick 01.01.26




Changelog 01.1.26 March 2023: Fixes and Improvements

  • Released CloudStick Agent 01.01.26
  • Fixed: Webapp Bug
  • Now user are able to remove webapps without nginx or apache or php errors.
March 14, 2023

Cloudstick 01.01.25




Changelog 01.1.25 March 2023: Fixes and Improvements

  • Released CloudStick Agent 01.01.25
  • Fixed: bug in mail and nginx errors. Then added a clone web app feature.
  • In previous versions, when the user try to remove the web app in some cases nginx or apache errors occurred. It was fixed. Now user was able to remove the web app without errors. For mail, the ubuntu 18.04 error message was removed, and fixed bug related to creating a default mail user. Finally added a clone web app feature, which helps users to clone web-app to Target servers
February 19, 2022

Cloudstick 0.01.18




Changelog 0.1.18 February 2022: Fixes and Improvements

  • Released CloudStick Agent 0.1.18
  • Fixed: On-demand backup bug
  • Fixed: Restriction on a team free user to use file manager
  • Fixed: Filemanager compress and extract bug
February 19, 2022




Changelog 0.1.17 February 2022: Fixes and Improvements

  • Released CloudStick Agent 0.1.17
  • Fixed bug on MySQL Extensions for PHP
January 31, 2022





Changelog 0.1.16 January 2022: Fixes and Improvements

  • Released CloudStick Agent 0.1.16
  • Fixed: Fail to setup server-level caching in Nginx and Hybrid stack in some cases
  • Fixed: Fail to deploy Vultr servers from the dashboard
December 4, 2021



  • Released CloudStick agent 0.1.15
  • Fixed bug on Nginx caching
October 13, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.14
  • Released Cloudstick Backup Module (Beta Version)
  • [Added] Ability to view user activity logs.
  • [Added] Users can now add account credit, which can be used for backup.
  • [Fixed] Failure on extracting zip archives.
June 11, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.13
  • Released CloudStick Team feature
  • [Added] Ability to fix file permission of a single and a group of files.
  • [Fixed] occasional failure of copying and moving files.
  • [Fixed] Occasional failure on renaming files.
  • [Fixed] Occasional failure on compressing files into tar.gz archive.
  • [Fixed] Low probability issue on failed caching on servers from Upcloud.
June 1, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.12
  • [Added] Auto-renewal of Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates.
  • [Added] Manual renewal of Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates.
  • [Added] Ability to tweak SSL settings.
  • [Added] Ability to update third-party SSL certificate without removing SSL configuration.
  • [Fixed] Occasional receiving of mail on non-renewal of SSL certificates.
May 22, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.11
  • [Added] Ability to deploy from Self Hosted Git.
  • [Fixed] Low probability issue of returning an error on adding/deleting SSH keys
  • [Fixed] Low probability issue on triggering webhooks in Git Deployment.
  • [Fixed] Low probability issue on displaying files in the trash.
May 11, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.10
  • [Added] Combined ‘List Accounts’ and ‘Create account’ menu into one as ‘Accounts’.
  • [Added] Ability to create dedicated Databases and Database Users for Accounts.
  • [Added] Added new tab to display CMS type on Account summary page.
  • [Added] Added popup which asks user permission on removing an account.
April 30, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.9
  • [Fixed] Occasional failure on enabling/disabling firewall.
  • [Fixed] Occasional failure of opening a range of ports.
  • [Fixed] Low probability failure on firewall restarting after adding/deleting rules.
  • [Fixed] Low probability failure on ignoring IP address.
April 24, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.8
  • [Fixed] Occasional failure on deleting System User.
  • [Fixed] Occasional failure on changing File-system Quota size
  • [Fixed] Pagination in system user management.
  • [Fixed] Minor fixes in layout design.
April 16, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.7
  • [Fixed] Occasional failure on deleting System User.
  • [Fixed] Pagination in system user management.
April 10, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.6
  • [Added] Ability to deploy from Bitbucket.
  • [Fixed] Occasional failure of webhooks for Gitlab.
  • [Fixed] Occasional failure to edit cron jobs.
March 30, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.5
  • Included support for GnuPG.
  • CloudStick now supports ubuntu servers from proxmox VM manager.
March 20, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.4
  • EasyPHP – Added support for ZMQ(zeromq) PHP Extension till PHP 7.3.
  • CronJob – Fixed small probability issue with non executing CronJobs on time.
  • Account Settings – Fixed small probability issue with path location on updating public_path of web-app
March 5, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.3
  • Git Deployment – Integrated git deployment with webhook, supports GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket
  • BugFix – Fixed small probability of issue with Let’s Encrypt SSL deployment.
February 23, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.2
  • Service Status – Users can now control and monitor the vital status of various services running the server.
  • Supervisor Jobs – Users can add supervisor jobs on their server from the CloudStick dashboard.
February 21, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.1
  • Fixed bug on changing PHP-CLI version on Ubuntu 16.04
  • Fixed bug on changing System User password.
  • Users can now be able to control ‘sudo’ permission for System Users.
  • Fixed bug on removing System Users.
February 20, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.1.0
  • A new option to clean disk has included in Server Settings.
  • Option to set the hostname for the server has included in Server Settings.
  • Configure Server TimeZone option included in Server Settings.
February 19, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.0.9
  • Fixed bug on the account settings page
  • Included support for file compression and extraction in Filemanager
  • Fixed bug on manual SSL deploying.
January 21, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.0.8
  • Let’s Encrypt free SSL has deployed in CloudStick. Users can easily deploy SSL for their websites in seconds..
January 18, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.0.7
  • Remote MySql support has been deployed on CloudStick.
January 08, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.0.6
  • CloudStick users can now easily reset the MySql root password of their server from the CloudStick dashboard.
January 07, 2021



  • Released CloudStick Agent version 0.0.5
  • The file system quota module has been deployed on CloudStick. Now you can allocate quota to your hosting accounts.
January 2, 2021

Manual SSl Deployment


  • CloudStick now supports installing SSL for your web hosting account from the dashboard. Enjoy hassle-free SSL installation.
December 29, 2020

EasyPHP Vr. 0.1.3


  • EasyPHP Version 0.1.3 now supports the ionCube loader extension.
December 28, 2020

FTP – File Transfer


CloudStick now supports file transfer over FTP. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture using separate control and data connections between the client and the server.

December 26, 2020

CloudStick File Manager


  • In-app file manager version 0.1 has been deployed on CloudStick dashboard.
December 25, 2020

One Click NodeJS


  • Now you can deploy your NodeJS Application with a single click.
December 24, 2020

PHPMyAdmin Direct Login


  • CloudStick users can log in to PHPMyAdmin directly from the CloudStick dashboard as MySql root user.
December 17, 2020

One Click NextCloud


  • Deployed CloudStick’s One-Click Nextcloud installer, which is a quick way to launch your online file sharing platform.
December 3, 2022

EasyPHP Vr. 0.1.2



Changelog 0.1.18 February 2022: Fixes and Improvements

  • PHP Extension Mcrypt
  • PHP Extension Sqlsrv
  • PHP Extension Imap
  • PHP Extension Ldap
  • PHP Extension Pcntl
December 1, 2020

EasyPHP Vr. 0.1.1


  • EasyPHP version 0.1.1 has deployed on CloudStick
November 17, 2020

One Click Joomla


  • One-click Joomla installer has integrated into CloudStick.
November 15, 2020

One-Click PHPMyAdmin


  • One-Click PHP MyAdmin has delpoyed on CloudStick for hassle-free database management.
November 09, 2020

One Click WordPress


  • One click WordPress Installer has deployed on cloudstick for a seamless installation of WordPress site’s
July 06, 2020

PHP 7.4.2 update


  • Update for PHP version 7.4.2 has been pushed

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