How to add account credit.?
CloudSticks backup system works on a credit system, which uses account credit to initiate a backup. A cloudStick user will be charged a fixed amount of money from his Account credit for backup on daily basis. This amount depends on the backup mode a user chooses.
A CloudStick user can add credits to his account through the following steps.
Step 1: Sign Into your dashboard
Step 2: Click on the Subscription option from the navigation menu.
Step 3: From the Account Credit option click on any one of the credit options and click on ‘Recharge Account credit’ button. You can also input custom credit amounts.
Step 4: You will be navigated to a new page to choose payment options, choose your existing payment method or add a new method, then click on the button ‘Pay with the selected Payment option’
Step 5: You will be navigated to the payment gateway, once the payment is a success you will be navigated back to the dashboard.
Step 6: You can view available account credit on your account from the Subscription page itself.