How to integrate CloudFalre account into CloudStick?

Cloudflare integration is used to automate the DNS records such as A, TXT, MX, etc and this helps to install SSL through DNS verification for your domains.

  1. Login into your CloudStick Dashboard and click on DNS option as per the screenshot below:
  2. Then click on the button Add API Key, this shows a popup and you have to enter the Label, Cloudflare username, and Secret to identify the Cloudflare account you have added, as there is an option to add multiple Cloudflare accounts to your CloudStick dashboard.
  3. In-order to get secret from Cloudflare, login into your Cloudflare account, Go to my profile, and click on API Tokens.
  4. Then, click on the button view of the Global API key get your Secret key, and paste your CloudStick account.