How to Increase max_execution_time for a Website

The max_execution_time directive in PHP determines the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated. If your website needs more time to execute scripts, follow these steps to increase the max_execution_time:


Steps to Increase max_execution_time:

1. Log in to the CloudStick Dashboard:
Access your CloudStick account.


2. Navigate to Websites:
Click on the “Websites” tab.

CloudSitck websites

3. Select the Website:
Choose the website where you want to adjust the max_execution_time. Click on “Settings.”

disabled functions such as shell_exec

4. Access Advanced Settings:
Scroll down and click on “Advanced Settings.”

PHP advanced settings.

5. Modify max_execution_time:
Find the max_execution_time option. Set it to the desired number of seconds.


6. Save Your Changes:
Click “Update” to apply the changes.